Sunday, May 29, 2005

i hate these 'secret' sharing conversations...

so...(DAMMIT..!) it turns out that R did have a crush on S...(i knew it..i knew it all this while..!)...sahi hai sahi hai...

it turned out to be one of those...'i never told you this ever.." conversations this evening. and mann..wasnt it interesting. i stick to my stand that whosoever hides something from someone does so on basis of guilt. the guilt could be either of commiting the act (not being shared) or simply of not being to share it with the concerned individual (what the heck did i just say...????). it turns out that the next time we meet...which will be 'very soon' as the adage will be secret time..! she will share some of the stuff that i (or maybe no one ever) know...and the same will fire from my side. oh holy shit...i cant wait to meet her now. incentive enough to drive me down to delhi..even for one nanosecond..

eco assignment is screwing our happiness as always. i can see AB laughing his way back to his home...(dont honor the honor code...bloody b*******...!! see what hits you now..!). though i do have to admit that the 1st question was a made me think for some 2.5 hrs and every second of it was totally worth it. N and i had a rather fruitful dialogue...(he is infront of me right now)...which gave me great food for thought. though i still stand to my version of the solution...

anyways...apart from's great. got quite a bit of eco done over this weekend...have to get some acco done over this weekend...dont have a clue what comprises marketing though. lets see...loads of stuff to be handled this week.

and and and...when was the last time my inbox saw 45 mails in 45 minutes....!!!....ummmmmm....this morning..! all due to some smart a** who sends across last evening's 'hidden' party snaps to the entire batch. and woh ho ho...mannn...that upset some people mighty hard...i mean...mighty damn rock hard.

last week of the first term...looking foward to it...take care...


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

heh heh heh...i havent had the time to read the complete story...but looks liek u have a lot of time in hand these days, huh?...

PS: Is there any way u can find out who I am?...Catch me if u can, kid!
Heh heh heh , again