Wednesday, June 01, 2005


the setting was almost there...and the class was almost replicating the original numbers. however..instead of an astronomy lab...the subject in question was stats...(not to mention...the students were all intelligent...!)

so last night was amazing fun. 7 colleagues and me...and stats. went through the entire bit right from the mid term (till about the last class...) and it was as if everything came back from MSU (and hindu to a certain extent). at times...(and i guess the first time i make this public)...i do regret not having completed my phd. more than the would have given me an opportunity to teach...! the feeling is unmatched...its as if i am a totally new 'me' when i converse with a 'class' if i see the real me...!

anyways...i am just glad that it helped everyone who was there. and i do agree...on a 'not-so-altruistic' made me brush up my concepts and finetune them to a good extent. thanks people...

preparation for the finals is coming along decently. though i havent been able to get much accounts done...i will have to give it time the entire day tom. eco is still playing mind there isnt much time before i halucinating and dreaming of a better world than today...!

cant wait for wednesday to come...
