Friday, August 12, 2005

thought...and the action...

ISB students are known to suffer from sever amnesia. for god sake...they dont ever remember what happened in the class...right after the class...! how can we exploit this...

Step 1: pick up last year's mid-term
Step 2: run a monte carlo simulation (or ask the next person you meet) to choose a number between 1-30
Step 3: Repeat step 2...20 times
Step 4: stand in front of the mirror...and go....HUUUUAAAAHHHAHAAAAAHAHAHHAAAAA...

yesterday's corporate finance mid-term

i kind of expected more from Prof Sundaram...i mean...he easily was one of the best profs that i interacted with at ISB. so...yes...its dissapointing...and at some level i think unfair for those who didnt get to see last year's mid-term (it wasnt circulated at an official level). however...its not an easy debate...and i can be on either side with equal conviction. lets see who wins...if i may use the word...!

the OM midterm was brilliant. had something for at some level it didnt want to award you just cause you knew a lot. the demarcation was meant to be subtle...! stupid questions were 5 points...and so were some serious questions. nicely done...

last class of LDP was rocking! Level 5 leadership. satan did almost get me to not attend the class...however i am glad i came out well...! rajeshwar...even with his impressive...and i wish i was even half as well read as him. the ease with which he delivers shakespeare and oscar wilde and the gita and what simply amazing. people might be led to believe that he does so to draw the credibility...but then the fact that he associates whatever he says to the an almost immaculate manner...defeats this argument.


had a nice time last night with N and A. A made kickass cheese omlettes...and played a perfect host. we then watched Zeher...which was a 'not-spo-bad' movie till about the last 30 mins or was just downhill from there...! N had been down with sever fever for the past week or it was a welcome change for her.

and respect for u has grown after last night...! :)

really missing R lately...she is going through a tough patch...however given how strong she is...i am sure she will come through very soon....!

looking forward to the weekend...loads of stuff to handle...


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