Monday, September 05, 2005


Term 4 started with a bang. I felt miserable (and I really mean it…no matter how cheesy it may sound) the entire day about R’s departure. It was truly the best time we have spent with each other. I now realize what those poet types mean when they go about…”it was like a dream”…


Well…to give it what it deserves…term 4 did start on a positive note. Mudit (Government, Society and Business) was truly a pleasure. To be frank, better what I had expected off him, through my informal interactions. Apparently the Investment prof is also quite good…so it seems we have competition for bhagwaanji…!

Then worked on a research paper that U, S and I are working on. Well…so far only they have worked on it…I have been the “oh yes, that’s a brilliant idea…lets do it” sorts…better known as the ‘comment always…work none…’ guys…!

Then had the ELP class. The MD of Ma Foi had flown down from Chennai to meet us. I wasn’t present through most of the meeting…however I did get a gist of what’s required off us…which is a small word known to the English language as ‘everything’. However…the project per se sounds pretty interesting and am sure it will be quite stimulating and challenging…

There was a talk by the regional manager, Asia of IFC – the investment arm of the World Bank. Pretty impressive…actually lemme rephrase…pretty interesting. The work that they do and the way they differentiate themselves from other investment banks. And I am particularly interested since they are based off Delhi…which is orgasmic for me at this point of time…! (

Really looking forward to a wonderful 4th term…have loads lined up…
