Thursday, January 26, 2006

life is happy...

This post will be a little ‘cryptic’…!!!

There is so much happening in life right now…its not even funny. People are telling me all sorts of stories…about stuff…and I don’t know what to do…whether to believe them…feel happy…or feel disgusted…or what…! And if what they say is actually true…then its very unfortunate…at some level unfair…!!!

Allright guys…I am done here…! (aka Krishna Ramaswamy)

And apologize for the incoherence above…!

Ok…so today is republic day. And inspite of being a holiday its been quite a busy one. Had a meeting in the morning and ever since have been studying for the branding exam tomorrow. If people (and logic) are to be believed…then we are required to read 650 odd pages of text for the exam. Most of which shall be new stuff…since class was hardly any concepts. Branding class used to be…

lalalalala…I am entering…lalalalalala…there u see me reading the case…lalalalalala…ok now I am doing CP…alalalalalalala…and here I am reading ET….lalalalalala…oohh break time….lalalalalal…CP again…alalalaa…sleep for sometime…lalalalal…sms people as if fighting for the fastest sms competition…lalalala… “and in the next class we shall deal with how to build brand equity”…wassaaapppp…!!!!

And mind you…this is not just one exceptional class…this is each and every class. That’s why I enjoy it so much…and do so much of CP. Cause the class is effortless…however the exam seems to indicate otherwise…!

The McK guys have formed an anonymous club here at ISB. I have a feeling they have come up with a different language or something…in order to communicate their plans on “how to crack the McK interviews” without shelling out with too much of information to the competition. They are seen dining together…chatting together…in class together…during case preps together. I hope they end up working together as well…!

A is planning a party this weekend…and if everything goes as per plans then the crowd might go thru the torture of bearing me as the DJ…yet again. I am really looking forward to it…desperately want to unwind myself before the big battle…! Plz do it A babu…! Now that my ‘other’ request cannot be fulfilled…wink wink (he knows what I am talking about!)

Rest all good…life is happy…



educatedunemployed said...

You are the last person I expect to lose their mind over this..Take care.Good luck..See ya around

ankur said...

yeah yeah..i am fine lady...! trust me...! :)


educatedunemployed said...

AND ISB TORCHBEARER.......................
Can I go and treat myself to a really good pizza on your behalf??