Sunday, July 15, 2007


am a disillusioned person lately...

i have always believed that education is the solution to a lot of problems facing the world today. ofcourse...arjun singh also believes so...but he takes the entire concept a little too far...! and yah...even with a world of only PhDs...we might still have bappi lahiri composing music...and going..."pyaar beeeena chaaaeeeennnn kahaan re....yaar beeenaa chaaaaeeeennn kahaan re..." felt that...and so did i...and i didnt think i was wrong. typically you would have the educated class as the one who thinks the way humans shud...with a constant struggle to educate the society...and 'better' it even further...

and hypothesis was tht people who fall into bad hands are the ones who are vulnerable...who are soft and weak..! imagine a dude...born into a poor family...for him struggle is his destiny...! he will hv to work a lot of things get to a good level in society. some might succeed...many probably wont...

and then will come the easy way outs...the underworlds...the robbers...the petty thieves...the peddlers...

F***...NO....thats not true...!!

"...The first Indian national known to have participated in a suicide bombing outside the country..."

he is a friggin nuclear physicist....a friggin PhD...a product of cambridge university...who had everything working for him...! he had a family that cared for him...a country that respected him....foreigners who trusted and let him in...

and he is a terrorist today....

why dude....why....? what wasnt right...?



1 comment:

Faizan said...

Gr8 Blog

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